Your Business Hero
Full business software
Every business needs a hero!
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Successful businesses need excellent systems to run efficiently.

All too often, business software is not actually designed to look after the whole business, but only some aspects of it. What is even worse, is when several different pieces of software are used, to run different aspects of the same business.

Finally there is a business package that is designed to run the whole business and it has been crafted from the users perspective. Most software is designed by a programmer with no business or end user perspective. Sure it will usually do the job it was designed for, but the work flow may not work well during use. This is where "Your Business Hero" is so different. It has been written by a programmer that has over thirty years experience in business and who has been using the software to run his own business everyday. In the process changes and improvements have been implemented to make it as easy as possible to use.

Even though he had been a programmer for over twenty years, he had no intention of writing his own software, due to the massive task that it is. But after spending about four years investigating and testing what was available on the market, he was left with no choice but to design his own. In the process, he has become passionate about the need for a tool, that helps those who use it, to be able to run their own business more easily.
Access from anywhere
Written for the Internet. Access it from anywhere in the world provided you can get online, using a PC, Mac, Linux, Android or iphone.
Full stock control
Excellent product management, including five levels of cascading categories, upto nine price scales and many price calculation methods.
Sales Management
Create quotes or invoices, convert quotes to a confirmed order or invoice. Convert confirmed orders to invoices. Copy quotes or invoices to a new quote.
Purchasing Management
Create purchase orders, then receive stock directly from the purchase order. No need to re-enter each item, but you can also add or remove items as required.
Accounts Management
Track what is owed to you and what you owe to others. Email or print statements and remittances.
One click Emailing
Email quotes, invoices, purchase orders, statements and remittances, to one or many recipients by checking the boxes. You can also edit the subject and message if you wish.
Even on an average Internet connection it is still really quick. We use fast local data centres with low ping lag to maximise speed.
Serial Number Tracking
Track the movement of every item from the moment you receive it to the end of its warranty. It will even alert you to picking errors.
Live online shop interface
Sell online and know that your stock levels and prices are always up to date. Make a change in house and have that visible online immediately.
Staff management and payments, tax and super calculated for you, holiday and personal leave tracking.
Bank Reconciliation
Know what you have in the bank and reconcile as you go.
All data stored in Australia
In some countries your data is not secure, so we will only store your data in Australia.
Warranty management
If you do your own warranty it is essential to be able to manage the movement and progress of these items, from both the customer and supplier.
Manage appointments for any member of staff and set reminders as well.
Customer Rewards
Record customer loyalty points either per visit, or per sale value.
Staff Messaging
Send messages directly to other members of staff immediately without paper. Decreases lost or forgotten messages and improves accountability.
To do list
List to do's for yourself or other staff members. They will stay on the list until they are marked as completed.
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